On why I write romance novels
Why do I write romance novels? Why do I write love stories that make you laugh and leave a smile on your face? Because I reject the reality fed to us by the mainstream media and substitute my own. I used to consume the news many times a day. I would wake up in the morning and check online for what had happened whilst I slept. I would listen to the radio in the car whilst driving, and then watch it later on the television.

And what was the result? I was anxious and depressed. I was bombarded by all the terrible things that were going on in the world and felt powerless to do anything about it. My anxiety was getting to the point where it was impacting my life and my ability to work and find joy in my own day-to-day existence. So I stopped consuming news. I focused on what was in my sphere of influence, and what I could control.

I still can’t wholly avoid seeing what we are told is ‘news’. I still see things on the fronts of newspapers and online. But I don’t seek them out. For one bad thing in the world there are hundreds that are joyous. For every act of evil there are so many more acts of love and kindness. I have always wanted to make the world a better place. Writing funny romance novels is my way of bringing more happiness into the world, and if someone finishes one of my books with a smile on their face then I know I’ve done something positive.