ARC Team


Call out for ARC Readers for The Love Position!

Here is the sign-up link:

If you’re already one of our ARC readers, or interested in joining the team then you’ve come to the right place! This page contains the links to the ARC team page for each book, as well as other useful information.

Each one of Evie’s books has a unique web page associated with it which includes book and author information, links to review, specially created graphics, and visual elements if you wanted to make your own (see below!)

If you’re new to us, or haven’t been an ARC reader before, then here’s some information for you.

ARC stands for Advance Reader Copy. This is a version of a book (most usually an eBook) that goes out to reviewers in advance of the publication date. ARCs are usually given to the reader for free, in return for an honest review before or on publication date on as many platforms as the reviewer has access to.

Being an ARC reader for Evie

If you’re interested in being an ARC reader for Evie, here’s some questions to ask yourself.

  1. Do I have time to read the book and write a review before it is published? We try and get our ARCs out at least six weeks before publication date, but sometimes this window is shorter
  2. Do I enjoy steamy romantic comedies? Evie’s books contain a fair amount of ‘colourful’ language and a healthy dose of graphic sex. If you’re okay with this then you’re in the right place!
  3. Am I okay reading books written in the third person and set predominantly in the UK? We hope the characters and stories draw you in so much, you wouldn’t care if they were set on the moon and narrated by a Klingon, but we thought we’d flag this up for you.
  4. Am I willing to create a booksirens account in order to receive your ARC copy? (this is how we deliver our ARCS)
  5. Am I willing to submit reviews across multiple platforms (creating accounts, if needed)? I understand reviews are expected on a minimum of four platforms, three of which must be storefronts — Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play or Kobo (It’s free to sign up to any of the platforms and a purchase is not required), the other platforms can be Goodreads, Bookbub etc.
  6. Do I love it when an author provides a *pre-prepared resource page containing everything I need for my reviews (including awesome social media graphics, hashtags, brand elements and more)?

*Links to ALL resource pages can be found in the library further down this page. Be sure to check them out – they have been created just for you!

If so, that’s great news! please continue reading for further information!

How to start

The first step in becoming part of Evie’s Review team is to download your FREE starter download bundle.
This contains her short story One Night in Foxbrooke. This story should take no more than 20 minutes to read and should give you a fair flavour of Evie’s rather unique humour and steam. This short story does have lots of Star Wars references, but they are unique to this particular story and are not a ‘theme’ that runs through all of Evie’s work. You DO NOT need to be a Star Wars fan to enjoy this story.

You will also be provided with extended excerpts of the first book from each of Evie’s book series (Highland Games – Book one in the Kinloch Series and Love ad Lib – Book one in the Foxbrooke Series) so that you can choose which series you wish to continue with. We highly recommend reading both excerpts as soon as possible as these let you see how diverse (and in our opinion, funny) Evie’s full length novels are.

If you do not review One Night In Foxbrooke within 14 days of download, we will assume you do not wish to leave a public review for that particular story. However, PLEASE still complete the review submission form if you wish to continue with Evie’s other novels, so that we know this and can still issue your first full FREE novel to read. You will just need to select One Night in Foxbrooke as your selected read and enter No Review in thereview submission fieldsbefore selecting your chosen series.

Once you have submitted your reviews, you will be asked to complete a Google Form linking directly to your reviews on the various platforms. The link to this form can be found here, and also as the last step for each set of platform instructions.

Once this has been reviewed by Evie’s admin team, you will either be approved immediately or given further assistance.

Once approved, you will be offered your next FREE book in accordance with the preferred series you wish to continue with based on the extended excerpt you have read.

Once you complete your next novel, the process starts again (steps 2 – 5) and so on. Books will be issued in chronological order to ensure maximum enjoyment.

Review Best Practice:

A quick message about writing your review:

Something we’ve learned is that reviews get more attention from the algorithms that put books in front of people if they are more than just one or two lines, and are unique content.

Examples of not so algorithm-friendly reviews.

“I loved this book! Can’t wait to read more from this author. It’s five stars from me!” 👎

“ [insert full blurb – this is not classed as original content] I loved it when [insert multiple spoilers]. Five stars!” 👎

Great reviews will have the following:

  • Five or more lines of text (the more lines the better)
  • Unique content (one or two quotes from the book are still good though)
  • Does not include the blurb for the book (we understand some people will obviously copy from their blogs. However, if you can remove the blurb when adding it to your review on the various platforms, this means people reading your review can get straight to your actual review and don’t need to read heaps of reviews for a book where everyone has added the blurb. The algorithms also identify reviews containing mostly the blurb as not original content and they risk getting moved further down or even hidden in some search results).
  • Explaining why you loved the book, rather than just telling the story
  • No spoilers
  • Images are an added bonus
  • Consistent ratings. If you rate it 5 stars on Amazon, please give it the same rating on Goodreads.
  • If the book simply wasn’t for you and you want to rate it 3 stars or less, we would prefer you decline to leave a review or (as per the terms and conditions,) leave it one month after publication day.

Remember, if you have any issues with completing your reviews or accessing your ARC, just let us know!


Foxbrooke Series

Kinloch Series

Holiday Disaster Series