• Evie Alexander blog - on creating characters - featured image

    On creating characters

    When this comes to finding characters for my stories, I usually don’t have a problem. I think about an idea for someone, and then look at what events in their culture or childhood have shaped them the way they are.…

  • Evie Alexander blog - what is a beta reader

    What is a Beta Reader?

    Beta readers come in lots of different forms, and authors have their own definitions of what makes one, but essentially, a beta reader is someone who reads your work before it is published and offers their opinion. I’ve used beta…

  • Evie Alexander blog - on finding stories - featured image

    On finding stories

    I love meeting new people because I want to find out what their stories are, what brought them to this exact moment. I’m the person you don’t want to sit next to on a plane as I want you to…

  • Evie Alexander blog - on writers blog - featured image

    On writers block

    You know your characters, you love them, and then they turn their backs on you and give you the cold shoulder. Suddenly you no longer know what they’re going to say or do. Writer’s block is where you simply don’t…

  • Evie Alexander blog - on why I write Romance novel - Featured Image

    On why I write romance novels

    Why do I write romance novels? Why do I write love stories that make you laugh and leave a smile on your face? Because I reject the reality fed to us by the mainstream media and substitute my own. I…

  • On editing

    Once I have an idea, and the bit between my teeth, getting words on the page is often easy. They aren’t necessarily the right words or even in the right order, but they are there. Writing too many words is…

  • Evie Alexander blog - On how to be a writer - featured image

    On how to be a writer

    If you want to write then just do it. You don’t need an English literature degree or a diploma in creative writing. There are many professional writers who have never taken a writing course in their life. Many flunked school…

  • On first drafts

    It always makes me chuckle when a writer posts a photo of their computer screen showing the words ‘The End’ at the end of their manuscript, proclaiming that they have just finished writing their book. Yet this for most writers…

  • All about Evie

    Evie had intended her writing to be serious romances, full of angst and subdued passions. Unfortunately it turned out that her writing was much more like her; unintentionally ridiculous, potty-mouthed, and a bit (at least in her head) steamy.