All about Evie
Evie Alexander is a British author who knew from an early age that she liked a happy ending.
Her first foray into romance writing was a musical she wrote aged 11 for her primary school to perform, entitled ‘Brunhilde and the Fish Soup’. This was an epic love story brimming with drama and passion, starring Brunhilde, who goes on an adventure to an undersea kingdom. Here, she falls in love with a goldfish called Shiny and rescues him from a terrible fate in a bouillabaisse.
In secondary school her writing morphed into dark comedy, but she kept her romance fires burning by reading Mills & Boon novels hidden inside clear plastic folders. As long as she occasionally looked up at the board with a thoughtful expression on her face, she never got caught.
Fast forward into her twenties and thirties, Evie decided the best way to experience life and love was to repeatedly fuck them up. This has provided an endless source of material for her writing, as well as lots of amazing friends who have their own unique pet names for her – ‘bonkers’ being the most often used. During her twenties she worked in the UK film industry. She wrote, produced, and directed award-winning films that never made any money and left her penniless, homeless and single by the time she was thirty. She also kept trying to write novels. However a pervasive and chronic lack of self-confidence ensured that these, like most of her screenplays, were started but never finished.

Deciding to finally track down her own happy ever after, she approached partner-finding with the zeal and efficiency of Ghengis Khan. Within three months she’d found and ensnared her innocent and much younger husband, as well as managing to conceal from him 99% of her personality until after the wedding.
After a wildly unsuccessful career as a filmmaker, Evie turned her hand to another loss-leading life choice, this time in the UK dive industry. She spent years trying to persuade people that learning to dive in a freezing cold, murky quarry was preferable to learning in the unpleasantly clear warm waters of foreign climes. At the same time she started many writing projects, finished none of them, and produced a girl child thanks to the miracle of IVF and a bank loan.
Things reached a head with Evie’s fourth midlife crisis (according to her younger brother, her first occurred aged 26). During this crisis she became so convinced that she had to get a normal job, she spent three months working for the government. This ended well for both parties when Evie resigned, both from the job, and also from the belief that she could be anything other than herself. During this momentous time of hair pulling, hand wringing, soul searching, navel-gazing, and seemingly endless commuting, one of Evie’s friends sat her down for a good talking to. The censored version went something like this: ‘For fuck’s sake Evie, what are you doing? Stop this shit right now. You’ve got to stop working 24/7. You’ve got to do something just for you. Something you enjoy.’
And lo! The clouds of unconfidence slowly parted, and Evie promised her friend she would pick up one of her abandoned stories and write for half an hour a day, emailing the daily jottings as proof she was actually doing it. Half an hour a day turned into two or more hours, and slumber was discarded as an unnecessary distraction. Within four months, Evie had written 200,000 words and developed an adrenal disorder due lack of sleep.
She had intended her writing to be serious romances, full of angst and subdued passions. Unfortunately it turned out that her writing was much more like her: unintentionally ridiculous, potty-mouthed, and a bit (at least in her head) steamy. Those 200,000 words turned into the first two novels of the Kinloch series, Highland Games and Hollywood Games, as well as the ideas for the next four books in the series.
Since then, she’s written the Holiday Disasters series with Kelly Kay, the Foxbrooke series, has recorded her own audiobooks (complete with ‘accents’) and has won multiple awards for her work.

If you’re new to the world of Evie and want to know more, then sign up for her newsletter to get free stories, audiobooks, extended epilogues, exclusive deals and hot-off-the-press news. You can also read her blog for reviews, and her many musings, and check out her daily struggles to pass as a fully functioning human being on social media. And if that wasn’t enough, feel free to drop her an email declaring your unbridled lust, writing adoration, or frank amazement that she’s got this far in life.
Evie lives in Somerset with her family and eats far too much dark chocolate. She is trying to accept the fact that her general fitness is irretrievably going one way, whilst the percentage of cellulite on her body is going the other. Share on XEvie lives in Somerset with her family and eats far too much dark chocolate. She is trying to accept the fact that her general fitness is irretrievably going one way, whilst the percentage of cellulite on her body is going the other.