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The Love Position Release

I spent a decade teaching yoga and always wanted to write a romance with a super-hot male yoga instructor and a gorgeous, shy, and super-clumsy student. As well as taking place in Foxbrooke, the second act of The Love Position is set at an ashram in the Caribbean. I wanted to explore what an ashram was like from the perspective of someone completely new to yoga and very much out of their depth, as well as the trope of forbidden love.

You’ve already met Isaac in Love ad Lib and An Unholy Affair, and you also hear about him, and meet Sophia for the first time in The Upper Crush. Now they get their own book!

This story will tug on your heartstrings, tickle your funny bone, and put a tingle in your underwear… As well as forbidden love, we’ve got a bit of fake dating, a one bed scenario during a tropical storm, hurt/comfort, teacher/student, and age-gap gorgeousness for you!

If you love:

😮 Forbidden love

💞 Soulmates

🛏️ One bed

🌴Glamorous locations

🔥 Scorching spice

💦 Tantric surprises

🤣 Hilarious friends

Then you need The Love Position in your life!

True stories, real places, and inspiration for The Love Position

I can’t help writing my own life into my books, even putting in Easter eggs for my alpha reader, Pash to enjoy. Here are some examples as well as where I got my inspiration for certain moments!

  • I dream of living in an eco off-grid house in the middle of a wood, so when you read about Isaac’s house, you know that’s my fantasy home!
  • The same goes for his garden and natural swimming pool…
  • The character of Jessica was based on my friend Jennifer, who I met when I did my own yoga teacher training course in the Caribbean… 
  • When I trained to be a yoga teacher, there wasn’t a Swami Vishnu character (yay!), but there also wasn’t an Isaac character (boo!)…
  • I’m marginally obsessed with the character of Boudicca and when I was a kid, I thought about naming a future child after the warrior queen.

And… Check out all of the places that inspired The Love Position and read excerpts set in each place via the 🐿️ app! Check out the location map here!

The Love Position reviews

There have been some FABULOUS early reviews of The Love Position – check some of them out below!

“I. Could. Not. Put. This. Down.

Well, I had to because life gets in the way, but I loathed to put it down at night. I was on the edge of my seat as to how everything would be brought together in the end because Sophia and Isaac deserved some darn happiness. The main characters are charming, and their relationship is pure heartwarming, BUT the side characters really knocked it out of the park on this one. I would love to get some bonus content for Jessica down the road since I fell in love with her as soon as she boated onto the page. The villians? (And, yes, I said that with an S on it.) I wanted to reach through the page and strangle them both, preferably together and at the same time.

A heartwarming gem from start to effing finish. Wonderfully written and just a genuine good time!”

Tori Ross

“This was such an unexpected book. I generally anticipate a funny romantic comedy when reading this author’s books; however, that is not exactly where this book went. There were funny parts, but I felt this book was more emotional. The main female character, Sophia struggles with anxiety and her struggle was so compellingly expressed that it brought home the battle my family members have with anxiety. So I could fully feel her pain, which leads to the greatest joy when things go her way. I also adored Isaac, the main male character. I love a man so fully in touch with how he feels and on the page in a way that makes it all the more attractive. I have no real experience with yoga, but after reading this book, I feel far more informed and even a bit curious about trying it out. I thoroughly enjoyed this story, it gave me all the feels and I know I will read it again and again.”

Tami Fidler

“You’ll probably pop a lady-boner when you meet him.”

This book is so delightful! I was laughing and smiling so much! I loved how Sophia and Isaac had an immediate and powerful connection. One of my favorite parts was when Sophia goes to Isaac’s house for the first time. I’m not going to elaborate because I don’t want to give anything away, but it was very memorable! I loved the “forbidden” romance aspects as Sophia and Isaac have to keep their relationship a secret. I fell in love with both of them and it was such a journey to see them fall in love with each other. Their chemistry is so blazing hot! The ending was absolutely perfect and so satisfying!”

Lindsey Sinett

“The Love Position” is a sublime experience from start to finish!

Kind-hearted and sweet archaeologist Sophia Hunter-Savage is totally screwed over by her boyfriend and needs some spiritual healing to get her life back on track. She returns to the comforting embrace of her family.

Luckily Sophia finds a friend in Estelle, her brother’s fiancé, and Estelle persuades her to join a local yoga class.

Things soon heat up when Sophia meets the gorgeous, kind and sexy yoga instructor Isaac. The two have an instant connection that goes far beyond the physical. Only there’s a big problem! Isaac has taken a vow of chastity!

Both of them fly off to Ashrams for the summer, though they didn’t expect to end up at the same one. Isaac wasn’t meant to be there, but circumstances mean he’s now Sophia’s teacher again. And the attraction hasn’t gone away! It’s got stronger and, oh my, does it get hot!

This book is a beauty from start to finish. Sorry to say, but you’ll have a guaranteed book hangover with this one. I just can’t stop thinking about it!”

Margaret Amatt

“Evie Alexander does it again. This time with Sophia Hunter-Savage and the hot yoga teacher who has taken a vow of celibacy. This book is for sure to be a fantastic summer beach read, with most of the book taking place in the British Virgin Islands. Yoga is a huge part of this book, helping Sophia deal with her anxiety and control her breathing, which is very well done in this book. We still see some of the OG players from past books, since this book starts about halfway through the Upper Crush. We get a fun scene with Estelle in the beginning, and Evelyn is Isaac’s knowledgeable sage, offering the perfect bit of advice for his predicament. And on brand, we get funny quippy one liners like douche-barge, mixed in with some big experiences and life lessons. This book does have some trigger warnings regarding a non consensual sexual encounter and drug use, and takes on some heavy experiences like what happens when the people we love are put on a pedestal. And as always, the spicy scenes are just so perfectly written and appropriately placed. I can’t wait for the next Foxbrooke installment.”

Elizabeth Burton

If you’ve read and enjoyed The Love Position, I would LOVE for you to write me a review! They make SUCH a difference and don’t have to be long!

You can review The Love Position on Apple, Amazon, Google Play, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Bookbub and on any other platform you like!

Steamy scenes in The Love Position

The Love Position only contains three steamy scenes, but by golly gosh they’re worth it… There’s a kissing scene on a beach in the rain that unexpectedly escalates. A one bed, shelter from the storm scene during a hurricane, and a spicy and swoony scene back in Foxbrooke. As always, here’s my fabulous invention, the ‘sex index’ at the back of the book where you can easily find and re-read the spicy bits!

Here’s what you can enjoy in The Love Position…

Chapter 16 – Well, that escalated quickly…

Chapter 19 – This is how you break a vow

Chapter 28 – Home is where the heart is

The Love Position blurb

🌴 Forbidden love has never looked so tempting… 🔥

After making a ground-breaking discovery, archaeologist Sophia Hunter-Savage has her work stolen and her heart broken. She needs a safe place to lick her wounds, so retreats to her family home in the village of Foxbrooke. Taking up yoga is the first step on the path to healing and when she meets the teacher, Isaac, things start to look up.

Yoga instructor Isaac Hayward has finally found meaning and purpose in his life by helping others. When Sophia arrives at his class struggling with anxiety, his protective instincts kick in, but the undeniable chemistry sets off alarm bells. He’s taken a vow of chastity and relationships are strictly off-limits.

Not wanting to be tempted off the spiritual path, Isaac runs away to an ashram seeking a return to inner peace. But when Sophia unexpectedly turns up, neither can deny the forbidden attraction.

Can their love last the distance or is this one position they can’t hold for long?

The Love Position is a forbidden love, one bed, steamy, standalone romantic comedy with a shy academic bringing the hottest yoga teacher in the world to his knees… No cheating or cliffhanger, but all the lols, all the feels, and a perfect happy ending guaranteed in this fabulously funny romcom!

Read The Love Position today

The Love Position is available in print, eBook and audio. Click here to get your copy now from our Shopify site, or here to get it from your preferred storefront!

Evie xxx