Zoe’s Essentials for Highland Living
Hi everyone, I’m Zoe and I’ve decided to do a takeover blog, because, well, quite frankly, Highland Games is about ME and I feel I need to explain myself a bit.
Favourite Quotes from Highland Games
Highland Games is full of wonderful one liners and fabulous quotes. There isn’t enough room to have all of them here, but I’ve picked out some of my favourites for you to enjoy!
On my love of books
Books for me have been my refuge, my treat, my escape. I devour them insatiably like a never ending supply of calorie free chocolate.
All about Evie
Evie had intended her writing to be serious romances, full of angst and subdued passions. Unfortunately it turned out that her writing was much more like her; unintentionally ridiculous, potty-mouthed, and a bit (at least in her head) steamy.