• Behind the Scenes in Evie Land – August 2021

    Welcome to August. A month of summer holidays, sunshine and sandy beaches. Or in my case, a month of rain, norovirus, hospital visits, women in labour and the continued destruction remodelling of the back garden. For all this excitement, plus semi-naked men, Getting Dirty, and being gangsta on a mobility scooter, read on!

  • what evie is reading

    What Evie is Reading

    Ladies and gents, be prepared. Your underwear is about to go up in flames. This month I’m turning up the heat with three scorching stories that will have you reaching for the ice pack, or whatever else you need to cool you down… We’ve got an Italian stallion in a Tuscan castle, a porn star in LA, and a hot computer geek in Sonoma, with more muscles than Henry Cavill on steroids.