• What Evie is Reading

    In this book review blog I’ve got two new authors for you and one of my all time favourites. We’re heading into the world of high end art theft, camping in the wilds of Oregon, and taking a road trip across Australia in ‘The Shaggin Wagon’. These three books are absolutely fabulous romance reads and I hope you love them as much as I do. So, keep your valuables within sight at all times, slap on the sunscreen, and get ready for some glorious grumpy/sunshine!

  • Behind the Scenes in Evie Land – August 2021

    Welcome to August. A month of summer holidays, sunshine and sandy beaches. Or in my case, a month of rain, norovirus, hospital visits, women in labour and the continued destruction remodelling of the back garden. For all this excitement, plus semi-naked men, Getting Dirty, and being gangsta on a mobility scooter, read on!

  • Evieland may

    Behind the Scenes in Evie Land – May 2021

    May the Fourth be with you! This month I’ve taken the sponge of intensity and squeezed it dry. If what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, then I’m currently the love child of Wonder Woman and The Hulk. So, strap yourself in, say a few words to the deity of your choice, and read on!

  • Evie Alexander blog - what evie is reading

    What Evie is Reading

    Stella thinks she has a problem, Ellie knows she has a problem, and Alice is helping with Aaron’s problem. This month I’ve got a veritable smorgasbord of issues for you, with a side order of hilarity, and a delicious desert of hot sex.

  • Evie Alexander - february update - main image

    Behind the Scenes in Evie Land – February 2021

    Find out what prompted me to leap naked into a freezing river at six thirty in the morning, why I was given a knife on Valentine’s day, and how many times I can write the word ‘hand’ in an 80,000 word novel. Yes folks, this month you’re in for a roller coaster ride, also featuring a live chicken trying to hop inside an oven, sunrise in PJs, and a bonafide Hot Mess. Read on, my friends...