• What Evie is Reading

    This month I’ve got a Navy SEAL team rescuing a woman and three orphaned girls from a war torn country, a kick-ass marine who’s been kidnapped and dumped on an alien planet, and a Hello Kitty loving hairdresser who finds herself the fake fiancée of her Billionaire boss, ‘Captain Sternpants’... These books are heart-racing, funny-bone tickling, panty-melting delights and I adored them. Read on for all the details!

  • What Evie is Reading

    Three hot rich dudes, baby goats, stinky cats and Christmas. This month I was researching rom coms with illustrated covers, and discovered stories that will make you snort-laugh, tear up, and get all hot and bothered. Annika Martin, Olivia Spring, and Natasha Boyd are incredible indie authors at the top of their game. They’ve produced page-turning corkers that are brilliantly written and phenomenally edited. Reading them was an absolute delight and I loved every second. So, if you fancy a sexy Frenchman, a billionaire who puts the chemistry into chemist, or an alpha roll who can make you sizzle from thousands of miles away, then you need these books in…