Review Team – Book Reviews

If you’re a fan of Evie’s books or just love reading romcom, you’ve come to the right place!


Once upon a time, Evie Alexander used to write her novels and then hand everything over to Amazon. However, Evie quickly realised that many readers don’t necessarily like Amazon that much and have their own special places for reading books elsewhere.

In 2023, Evie decided it was time to venture out into the big WIDE world to visit these wonderful places and share her unique steamy humour with many more people.

And so she did.

After climbing many mountains (read ‘obstacles’) and traversing numerous deep ravines (read ‘low points’), her books are now across all platforms for people to enjoy. However, Evie, needs a band of very happy readers to help spread the word as she is so new in many of these places.

So, if you’ve arrived on this page, you’re clearly a fabulous person to help Evie on her mission to bring laughter, steam and happy-ever-afters to everyone!

The End! x

Review Team

Evie’s Review Team is completely separate to Evie’s ARC team.

Evie’s ARC Team (EAT) deal only with Evie’s very latest upcoming releases, whereas Evie’s Review Team (ERT) deal with her entire back catalogue of books.

Information For New Reviewers:

It is entirely possible to be on both review teams, however, most new reviewers prefer to start from the beginning of a series, meaning they start on her review team, reviewing a series until they catch up with the current upcoming release and become an ARC reader too.

You have two choices:

1. You continue with your current ARC read (if applicable), and then go through Evie’s back catalogue.


2. You start at the very beginning, with Love ad Lib (first novel in the Foxbrooke series), followed by An Unholy Affair, The Upper Crush, The Love Position and Christmas off Script. Or, you start with Highland Games (first novel in the Kinloch Series), followed by Hollywood Games, Kissing Games, Musical Games, Wedding Games and Christmas Games.

These books are all standalone reads, but as they are part of a series, are much better enjoyed in order.

This page focuses solely on back catalogue reviews

1. The first step in becoming part of Evie’s Review team is to download your FREE starter download bundle.
This contains her short story One Night in Foxbrooke. This story should take no more than 20 minutes to read and should give you a fair flavour of Evie’s rather unique humour and steam. This short story does have lots of Star Wars references, but they are unique to this particular story and are not a ‘theme’ that runs through all of Evie’s work. You DO NOT need to be a Star Wars fan to enjoy this story.

You will also be provided with extended excerpts of the first book from each of Evie’s book series (Highland Games – Book one in the Kinloch Series and Love ad Lib – Book one in the Foxbrooke Series) so that you can choose which series you wish to continue with. We highly recommend reading both excerpts as soon as possible as these let you see how diverse (and in our opinion, funny) Evie’s full length novels are.

2. Once you have read One Night In Foxbrooke, if you like it, we would love you to leave a review! You can find the instructions further down this page. This will help you to see what is required when leaving reviews for Evie.

If you do not review One Night In Foxbrooke within 14 days of download, we will assume you do not wish to leave a public review for that particular story. However, PLEASE still complete the review submission form if you wish to continue with Evie’s other novels, so that we know this and can still issue your first full FREE novel to read. You will just need to select One Night in Foxbrooke as your selected read and enter No Review in the review submission fields before selecting your chosen series.

3. Once you have submitted your reviews, you will be asked to complete a Google Form linking directly to your reviews on the various platforms. The link to this form can be found here, and also as the last step for each set of platform instructions.

Once this has been reviewed by Evie’s admin team, you will either be approved immediately or given further assistance.

4. Once approved, you will be offered your next FREE book in accordance with the preferred series you wish to continue with based on the extended excerpt you have read.

5. Once you complete your next novel, the process starts again (steps 2 – 5) and so on. Books will be issued in chronological order to ensure maximum enjoyment.
Information For Existing ARC Reviewers:

Existing ARC readers are invited to join Evie’s Review Team in order to add their previously shared reviews to wide platforms. We appreciate this involves additional work for you as you have already kindly reviewed these books on Amazon. By way of thanks, we want to offer you the eBook and audiobooks and also offer you a copy that can be gifted to anyone you wish.

You will need to complete the google form mentioned in the below review requirements with your review links rather than Booksirens as we only use Booksirens for the collection of ARC reviews for current campaigns (Evie’s latest book that has not yet been published).

Review Requirements

For some of you the below requirements will mean you may need to create new accounts on some of these platforms. While this may take a little extra time for your first set of reviews, it will be faster next time. And, as your reviews can be copy and pasted across all platforms, we anticipate the process of actually posting your review will be very quick.

You must:

  • Leave a review on both Goodreads AND Bookbub. If you do not have accounts with either you will need to create accounts. With Bookbub, do not attempt to create an account via the pop-up as it is a broken link.
  • Leave a review on at least THREE store fronts (out of Amazon, Google Play, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and Apple).
  • Your review must be a written review. Leaving just a star rating will not count. Check out Review Best Practise at the bottom of this page.
  • Your review must be a minimum of 3 stars. If you feel the book does not deserve 3 stars or more, we prefer that you please refrain from leaving any review and just let us know. This does not mean you will be declined any further books.
  • For new reviewers, please review the book within 14 days of completion in order to receive your next FREE BOOK.
  • Please complete this form confirming where we can find your review:

Current back catalogue

Any books not hyperlinked in the book review links column have not been released yet, so watch out for ARC call outs for those titles!

PlatformBook Review LinksInstructions
Links to
all platforms
print & audio)
Kinloch Series
Highland Games
Hollywood Games
Kissing Games
Musical Games
Wedding Games
Christmas Games

Foxbrooke Series
One Night in Foxbrooke
Love ad Lib
An Unholy Affair
The Upper Crush
The Love Position
Christmas Off Script
These links take you to a page where you can
access every storefront for each book.
So if you need need links for audiobooks,
print books, library and other subscription
services such as Hoopla, Everand, Scribd,
Chirp, or Audible etc, then please use
these links.

When you are satisfied with your review,
add the review links to this form
Kinloch Series

Highland Games
Hollywood Games
Kissing Games
Musical Games
Wedding Games
Christmas Games

Foxbrooke Series
One Night in Foxbrooke
Love ad Lib
An Unholy Affair
The Upper Crush
The Love Position
Christmas Off Script
You will need a Goodreads account to review

1) Click on the book in column two of this table
that you wish to review
2) Under the book cover, mark the book as “Read”.
3) You should now see the review form. Add your star rating.
4) Paste your review.
5) Click “Post” when you are satisfied with your review.
6) Add review link to this form
BookBubKinloch Series
Highland Games
Hollywood Games
Kissing Games
Musical Games
Wedding Games
Christmas Games

Foxbrooke Series
One Night in Foxbrooke
Love ad Lib
An Unholy Affair
The Upper Crush
The Love Position
Christmas off Script
You will need a BookBub account to review
Bookbub is global. You do not need to be in the US to
(if you need to create an account, please use
the sign in option in the top left hand corner and
sign up from there. Do not use the initial ‘Join Free’
pop-up as this leads to a broken link)

1) Click on the book in column two of this table
that you wish to review
2) Click on the “Review” button. Depending on your
device, it’ll either be on the right side of the
screen or just under the book’s description.
3) Add your star rating.
4) Paste your review.
5) Click “Share” when you are satisfied with your review
6) Add review link to this form
Google PlayKinloch Series
Highland Games
Hollywood Games
Kissing Games
Musical Games
Wedding Games
Christmas Games

Foxbrooke Series
One Night in Foxbrooke
Love ad Lib
An Unholy Affair
The Upper Crush
The Love Position
Christmas off Script
You will need a Google account to review

1) Log into your Google account
2) Click on the book in column two of this table
that you wish to review
3) Scroll down until you reach Write a Review
4) Rate and insert your review in the pop up
5)Remember to hit Submit
6) Add review link to this form
KoboKinloch Series
Highland Games
Hollywood Games
Kissing Games
Musical Games
Wedding Games
Christmas Games

Foxbrooke Series
One Night in Foxbrooke
Love ad Lib
An Unholy Affair
The Upper Crush
The Love Position
Christmas off Script
*You do not need to purchase the item on Kobo
to leave a review, but you do need an account.

1) Go to the Kobo website at
2) Click on the “My Account” button, and then sign
in to your account (or create a new account
if you do not already have one).
3) Click on the book in column two of this table
that you wish to review
4) Scroll down to locate the “Write Your Review”
button. Click on the hyperlink to post your review.
5) Fill in a star rating, review headline, review text, etc.
6) Click on the “submit” button.
7) Add review link to this form
Barnes & NobleKinloch Series
Highland Games
Hollywood Games
Kissing Games
Musical Games
Wedding Games
Christmas Games

Foxbrooke Series
One Night in Foxbrooke
Love ad Lib
An Unholy Affair
The Upper Crush
The Love Position
Christmas off Script
You do not need to purchase the item on
B&N/Nook to leave a review but you do need an account

1) Go to the B&N / Nook website
2) Create an account with B&N.
Click on “My Account” at the top of
the website,then “Create an Account”
and follow the steps.
3) Click on the “My Account” button, and
sign in to your new account.
4) Click on the book in column two of this table
that you wish to review
5) Scroll down to locate “Write a Review”
Click on the hyperlink to post your review.
6) Fill in a star rating and review
7) Click on the “submit” button.
8) Add review link to this form
Kinloch Series

Highland Games
Hollywood Games
Kissing Games
Musical Games
Wedding Games
Christmas Games

Foxbrooke Series
One Night in Foxbrooke
Love ad Lib
An Unholy Affair
The Upper Crush
The Love Position
Christmas off Script
You do not need to purchase the item on
Amazon to leave a review but you do need an account

1) Click on the book in column two of this table
that you wish to review
2) Scroll down to the review star ratings.
3) Under the Review this product headline,
click ‘Write a customer review’ button and
4) Add your review
5) Hit Submit
6) Add review link to this form
Kinloch Series

Highland Games
Hollywood Games
Kissing Games
Musical Games
Wedding Games
Christmas Games

Foxbrooke Series
One Night in Foxbrooke
Love ad Lib
An Unholy Affair
The Upper Crush
The Love Position
Christmas off Script
You will only be able to leave a review
on Apple if you have an Apple device.

1) In the Books app, click Book Store or audio
Store in the sidebar or menu bar
2) Browse or search for a book, then select.
3) Click the More button 
4) Click Rate and Review
5) Rate
6) Write a review
7) Submit
8) Add review link to this form

Additional Resources:

Should you wish to use our extensive library of graphics and other resources for each book, please visit our main ARC Team page and scroll down to the library for all the information and resources we have relating to the publication you are currently reading.

Review Best Practice:

A quick message about writing your review:

Something we’ve learned is that reviews get more attention from the algorithms that put books in front of people if they are more than just one or two lines, and are unique content.

Examples of not so algorithm-friendly reviews.

“I loved this book! Can’t wait to read more from this author. It’s five stars from me!” 👎

“ [insert full blurb – this is not classed as original content] I loved it when [insert multiple spoilers]. Five stars!” 👎

Great reviews will have the following:

  • Five or more lines of text (the more lines the better)
  • Unique content (one or two quotes from the book are still good though)
  • Does not include the blurb for the book (we understand some people will obviously copy from their blogs. However, if you can remove the blurb when adding it to your review on the various platforms, this means people reading your review can get straight to your actual review and don’t need to read heaps of reviews for a book where everyone has added the blurb. The algorithms also identify reviews containing mostly the blurb as not original content and they risk getting moved further down or even hidden in some search results).
  • Explaining why you loved the book, rather than just telling the story
  • No spoilers
  • Images are an added bonus
  • Consistent ratings. If you rate it 5 stars on Amazon, please give it the same rating on Goodreads.
  • If the book simply wasn’t for you and you want to rate it 3 stars or less, we would prefer you decline to leave a review or (as per the terms and conditions,) leave it one month after publication day.

Remember, if you have any issues with completing your reviews or accessing your book, just let us know!